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Haddenham Development Projects

by Haddenham Webteam – 14th May 2017
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Many local residents are bemused by the number of building projects currently underway in Haddenham, extending the envelope of the village considerably and in line to deliver over 1,000 new homes. Hardly a month passes without news of another planning application being submitted to AVDC and, in the absence of a completed Local Plan, it seems that the District Council has very little power to refuse these.

If you are keen to remain abreast of the current state of play as well as some of the issues arising, the Haddenham Village Society has recently compiled a summary of all the local building projects, complete with their respective planning reference numbers – used as search terms, these provide access to all the relevant documentation lodged with AVDC via the District Council's planning portal.

The following summary reflects the views of the Haddenham Village Society Planning Group.

Summary of Major Planning Applications

13 May 2017

Dollicott – Cala Homes – Erection of 25 Houses – 15/02123/APP

* Ongoing problems with construction traffic using Rudds Lane, either because drivers ignore the 'No Construction Traffic' signs or because access via Dollicott is blocked by parked cars.

* Pedestrian and cycle access from Dollicott to the airfield playing fields (as advocated by HVS and required by Policy HD3 in the Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan) to be pursued when application for development of land to West of Churchway is submitted

Airfield Site – Cala Homes – Erection of 233 homes, relocation of football pitches, car park for 60 cars, provision for a pavilion, retail outlet and care home (for which separate detailed approval will be required) – 16/04575/ADP

* Detailed proposals for Pavilion, Care Home and Retail Outlet yet to be submitted.

* Need to ensure link to pedestrian and cycle access from Dollicott.

Land East of Stanbridge Road – Rectory Homes – Erection of 40 Houses – 16/04527/ADP

* Current problems with queuing of construction vehicles along Stanbridge Road by the Medical Centre. Rectory Homes has taken active steps to advise contractors.

* Pavement to be provided as far as the Garden Centre, and 30 MPH zone along Stanbridge Road to be extended.

Land East of Churchway, Opposite Rosemary Lane – Engage Planning/Richborough Estates – Erection of 72 Houses – 17/01225/AOP

* This is on land HAD002 designated in the draft VALP as "unsuitable for development" as it is located in open countryside.

* A 'Public Consultation' held by the developer in the Village Hall on 7th March.

* To be discussed by the Parish Council at Planning Meeting on 15th May, commencing at 7.30pm (Walter Rose Room).

* The Haddenham Village Society is preparing a formal response opposing this development.

Aston Road – Dandara – Erection of 280 Houses, with open space, cricket pitch and burial ground

* Proposed layout displayed at Annual Parish Meeting on 5th May – see images under "Annual Parish Meeting" in GALLERIES section of this website

* Reserved Matters application for Phases 1 and 2 (143 Dwellings) to be submitted in May 2017.

* Build for whole site to extend over 3 years.

Land West of Churchway, North of Dollicott/Rosemary Lane – Aston Hill Land Ltd (+ Coleman Hicks Partnership Architects, Jake Collinge Planning Consultancy) – Erection of 284 Houses

* Proposed layout displayed at Annual Parish Meeting on 5th May – again, see photos under "Annual Parish Meeting" in GALLERIES

* Outline Planning Application expected within the next month.

* This is on land (ref: HAD007) designated in the draft VALP as suitable for 200 houses in years 1-5, with a further 115 houses in years 6-15, with a density of 35 dwellings per hectare. The developer is proposing 284 houses in 9.5 hectares – i.e. 30 dwellings per hectare.

* A need to ensure that the footpath/cycle way on the West boundary links in with the Cala Homes developments at Dollicott and the Airfield.

Further information on individual planning applications can be found by inserting the planning reference (e.g. 17/01225/AOP) into the website at: https://publicaccess.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/online-applications/

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