Yesterday we published an article by Brian Fattorini highlighting his concerns over the apparent piecemeal growth of the village, as opportunistic developers submit uncoordinated planning applications and take advantage of the yet-to-be-finalised AVDC Local Plan.
He also encouraged his fellow residents to submit their own comments and, to help them do so, he kindly provided details of relevant communication channels to key individuals and planning website pages. See Brian's piece here.
Some residents may be wondering what our local representatives are doing to influence the planning decisions that are leading to massive development of Haddenham. We have yet to see the most recent comments from Haddenham parish council, but it is pleasing to see that the Haddenham Village Society has been communicating with AVDC to raise concerns and submit formal objections.
The two most recent letters of objection from the Village Society can be viewed by clicking on the PDFs located below the images on this page.
In summary, however:
Land West of Churchway, Haddenham:
Application 17/02280/AOP by Astonhill Land Ltd for
"Outline application with access to be considered and all other matters reserved for the erection of 285 dwellings with access, parking, amenity space, landscaping, drainage works and play area".
HVS has offered comments in relation to:
14 Townsend HP17 8JW:
Application 17/02126/APP by Credo Oak Ltd for "Alteration and demolition of existing buildings, and erection of five detached dwellings with access, parking and amenity space"
HVS has offered comments in relation to:
HVS therefore objects to the development on the basis that it would:
If you would like to add your own comments, you can do so oline via the AVDC planning website. Simply copy-and-paste in the relevant planning application reference number (e.g., 17/02280/AOP) into the search window here.
Don't be put off if the AVDC website is slow to respond – it can drag its heels a little at times ... (Hmmm!)