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Parish Council Responds

by Haddenham Webteam – 28th July 2017
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Earlier this week we reported on concerns about two of the most recent planning applications for new build homes in Haddenham, and published the formal objections submitted to AVDC by the Village Society – see here
and the personal views of an individual resident – see here.

We have now seen the comments offered to AVDC by Haddenham Parish Council, as contained in their draft Planning Committee minutes, and these are reproduced below:

Land West of Churchway

Planning reference: 17/02280/AOP
Outline application with access to be considered and all other matters reserved for the erection of
285 dwellings with access, parking, amenity space, landscaping, drainage works and play area


This site was not included in the quashed chapter of the Neighbourhood Plan. At both the "Issues &
Options" and the 2016 consultation stages on draft VALP, the PC raised serious questions about the
real meaning of sustainability in the context of a village with limited facilities and a rural highway
network, and of Haddenham's capacity to cope with 50% growth by over 1,000 homes; moreover it is
now apparent that all of this growth will take place in the next 5 years.

The Parish Council is well aware of the national housing crisis, and that AVDC is obliged to allocate
land and housing numbers in order to accommodate demand. In our response to draft VALP last
autumn the Parish Council accepted that it would have to contribute to housing growth by circa 1,000
homes as one of the largest villages in the Vale, and has committed to do all it can to integrate and
welcome new families into the community, whilst objecting strongly to the massive further growth
entailed in the new or extended settlement proposals.

The present site is one of 3 which make up the majority of the 1,000 homes; the other two sites (the
Airfield and Aston Road) have both been approved. In line with our previous response, the Parish
Council accepts this development, but subject to AVDC refusing planning permission for application
17/01225/AOP (land to the east of Churchway), which was rejected for a housing allocation in the
January 2017 HELAA (site HAD002). However, if AVDC grants planning permission for application
17/01225/AOP, the PC objects to the present application 17/02280/APP on the grounds that there
would be over-provision for Haddenham, and that a smaller development would be appropriate on

On the assumption that 17/01225/AOP will be refused, the PC recommends AVDC take action on the
following comments in order to help this community assimilate such rapid growth over such a short

Traffic Impact Study

Haddenham is a designated strategic settlement with all the resultant major planning applications
approved or submitted. Neither this development nor Aston Road are well linked to the station, where
we have been dealing with a serious parking problem. The Parish Council asks that a traffic and
communications impact assessment is carried out jointly with BCC and the relevant railway bodies,
and to include radical solutions for limiting car use, dealing with speeding and parking issues, and for
facilitating safe walking and cycling.

Recommendation: AVDC commissions traffic impact study with BCC and PC.

Conservation Area Management Plan

The PC asks that the above traffic impact study is carried alongside a review of the 2009 Conservation
Area Management Plan. It is likely that the traffic generated by this development will access village
amenities via Rosemary Lane/Rudds Lane/Townsend/Dollicott, all in the Conservation Area, which will
cause harm. Similarly the Aston Road application will impact Church End. It is vital that development
is not allowed to harm Haddenham's heritage assets, particularly the Conservation Area and its 120
listed buildings. Conservation needs to be treated seriously and to be managed during this process.

Recommendation: AVDC commissions a CAMP review alongside the traffic impact study.

Linking our Footpaths

The Neighbourhood Plan contained an outstanding objective to create a footpath & cycle link from
the Airfield site through to the Dollicott development, and on to Dollicott. This would provide a link
from the Airfield site to the main village amenities at Fort End / Banks Park / Woodways. So far, the
PC's negotiations have achieved access points from the Airfield and Dollicott sites and agreement
from the lease holder of the mobile aerial test strip at the business park to allow a path across the test
strip. The current planning application, with boundaries to both the Airfield and Dollicott sites,
provides the opportunity to deliver most of the final section of this path, leaving only a very small
section to be negotiated with another land owner. This will also enable a footpath/cycle linkage from
the current site through to the airfield, and hence the station. The developer has agreed in principle to
amend the plans to include this footpath running north-south from the Dollicott development along
the site's western boundary. The developer should also be obliged to obtain an access agreement with
the remaining landowner and to fund the outstanding section of the path. The PC is happy to assist.

Recommendation: Planning condition

Surface Water and Sewerage

The PC's Planning Committee meeting considering this application was attended by over 60 villagers.
Concern was expressed by several people living nearby that this field is prone to flooding and run-off
during sustained rainfall and storm conditions.

Recommendation: AVDC to provide assurance that flood mitigation and sustainable drainage
proposals will be sufficient to cope.

Local knowledge suggests that the sewerage system is approaching or has reached maximum
capacity, and that this site on the northern edge of the village will be remote from the local sewage

Recommendation: AVDC to confirm with Thames Water that the combined impact of all current
developments can be accommodated, or whether upgrading is required and in hand.

Land north of 14 Townsend

The Housing Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) carried out for the draft Vale of Aylesbury Local
Plan (VALP) includes this parcel of land as part of site HAD007. This land is currently the subject of a
separate planning application 17/02126/APP with access from Townsend Green. If this land is to be
considered for development, it should only be accessed and developed as part of HAD007, and not as
separate backland development accessed from Townsend Green giving rise to serious harm to the
Conservation Area and highways issues. We note that at Aston Road the two landowners were
obliged to submit jointly.

Recommendation: AVDC obliges the developers to cooperate.

14 Townsend Haddenham

Planning reference: 17/02126/APP
Alteration and demolition of existing buildings, and erection of five detached dwellings with access,
parking and amenity space.

The Parish Council OPPOSES this application for the following reasons:

1. The Housing Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) carried out for the draft Vale of Aylesbury Local
Plan (VALP) includes this parcel of land as part of site HAD007. This site should be included as part
of that site with access only from HAD007, and not be delivered separately. The developers should
be obliged to cooperate, as was the case at Aston Road.

2. The proposed access to the site via Townsend raises highway safety concerns with insufficient
pedestrian and highway vision splays at the exit. The access to the site should be via the
development proposed in planning application 17/02880/AOP which covers the majority of
HAD007; it is noted that the developer of HAD007 has indeed included a potential road link to the
parcel of land at the rear of 14 Townsend.

3. The principles in NPPF Para 126 -141 Conserving the Historic Environment apply to this application
that impacts on the Conservation Area. AVDC undertook a thorough review of the Conservation
Area in 2008 which was supported by the PC. The PC wholeheartedly endorses the comments of
AVDC's Heritage Team that this application would cause serious harm both to the Conservation
Area generally, and to 14 Townsend specifically which itself is a building of note within the
Conservation Area, and for which listing is being sought.

4. The development as shown would constitute backland development which is not acceptable,
particularly in this location.

5. The proposed amenity space provision for both 14 and 14A Townsend will be cramped and

6. Parking provision for 14A Townsend would be insufficient with a single off-plot parking space and
is contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan policy TGA1.

7. Five 5-bedroom properties are proposed. However the primary need is for smaller homes.

8. Five large properties will be inappropriate for the location by virtue of scale and design, and have
an unacceptable impact on adjoining properties.

Note from Editor:

You can read the full (draft) minutes of the most recent Planning Committee Meeting (held on 17th July 2017) here.

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