A vision for Haddenham: how should the village develop?
What do Haddenham residents and businesses want the village to look like in 2030? What are the key trends (age range, social and economic factors, etc) that will influence how the village might change? What are the opportunities and risks facing the village over the next twenty years and how might these change? What are the key tensions and how might these be minimised? What would a "bad" village look like, and how we can steer Haddenham away from that?
The Parish Council is undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) to inform future planning and development decisions. As part of the NP process, the Parish Council needs and wishes to consult with those who live and work in Haddenham so that they have the opportunity to understand and contribute to the Plan (on which they will be voting as part of the eventual referendum). Public consultation has started, and this website will be playing an important role in communicating key activities. If you are a member of the Haddenham community, we very much welcome your views and opinions.
A Starter for Ten
As part of a broader programme of consultation, the NP coordinating group is organising a series of half-day workshops involving village residents, business owners, and representatives from village businesses, schools, churches, and charities/societies, to help develop a vision for Haddenham in 2030. The first of these will take place in the Village Hall on the afternoon of Saturday 31st August, and specific village groups are being invited. Further events will follow soon after, to gain input from as many local people as possible.
Watch this Space!
Haddenham.net will maintain up-to-date information for all local residents and businesses as the NP process moves forward. We will also point you to relevant information as it appears on the NP section of the Parish Council website. If there is more you would like Haddenham.net to do, please write to the editor at: haddenham.net@hotmail.com