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Red Lion Development

by Nick Lock – 1st May 2013
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Development of the Red Lion – Appeal Allowed

The plans to turn the Red Lion Public House into a residential property and to build two new houses in the rear car park have been approved on appeal. In his deliberations the Inspector regarded the following as the main issues to be considered:

1. The effect of the development on the character and appearance of the Haddenham Conservation Area

2. The effect of the development on the living conditions of adjoining residential occupiers with particular regard to outlook, privacy and access

3. The effect of the development on the provision of community facilities in the area

In his comments the Inspector said that the impact of the construction was limited on the conservation area and the demolition of the outbuildings " are not of great significance" and "is of limited historic interest"

He assessed the impact of the build on adjoining properties as "no unreasonable harm would occur". Regarding the need for this community facility his comment was "Clearly 'need' is a particular test separate from 'demand' and with alternatives close at hand and little evidence put forward of harm resulting from closure".

In his conclusions he commented that "The removal of the outbuilding would cause little harm to the character and appearance of the conservation area" he also said that by use of conditions on the construction would " safeguard the wellbeing of the heritage asset of the witchert walls". He regarded the development as providing additional housing in a sustainable location.

Finally, the in his view the evidence is that there would be no adverse effects through the loss of the public house that are not outweighed by the benefits. The full report can be found on the AVDC Planning Portal

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