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Sainsbury's Update

by Christina Jeffery – 1st March 2016
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As regular readers know, Haddenham.net broke the news that Sainsbury's is looking to move into Haddenham, and is in the process of obtaining planning permission to convert Chiltern House (on the Thame Road – next-door to Browns) to offer a 'Sainsbury's Local'.

A spokesman for Sainsbury's said: "We believe the new convenience store will bring a number of benefits for the local area including the creation of 20-25 new jobs, which we would seek to fill, where possible, from the local area. Our Sainsbury's Locals provide the same quality as our larger supermarkets, but on a smaller scale and are designed to cater for local people living and working within walking distance of the shop who wish to top up their usual food shopping locally. They typically trade between 7am and 11pm and provide customers with an excellent range of fresh food and everyday convenience products."

Sainsbury's said they would not be holding a consultation event on plans for the new Haddenham store. A spokesman added: "We only tend to hold consultations when we are developing larger supermarkets."

Haddenham Parish Council has said they had not been consulted. However, the planning application is now available to the public and HPC's Planning Committee will consider its response at the next meeting on 21st March 2016.

To see the planning application, search on the reference numbers indicated below, on the AVDC planning website here. (You may have to 'sign in' first). You can also voice your support or objection too, as well as viewing the plans, including the car parking provision. Just click Make Comment.

16/00551/APP Chiltern House Thame Road Haddenham Buckinghamshire HP17 8EH
Change of use from Class B1a (offices) to Use Class A1 (retail); external alterations, including the installation of a new shopfront and ATM; installation of plant; and associated works, including rationalisation of existing car park and alterations to existing access.

16/00559/AAD Chiltern House Thame Road Haddenham Buckinghamshire HP17 8EH
Three internally illuminated fascia signs, one non illuminated fascia panel sign and one non illuminated totem sign.

We understand that tenants of Chiltern House, all of them small businesses, have been given notice to quit by 31st August while Sainsbury's starts to go through the planning process.

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